A report by The News Minute noted the man, a college student and a resident of the southern state of Karnataka, was said to be addicted to PUBG. The man reportedly asked his father for money so he could top up his mobile data to continue playing the game online. According to the local police, when the father refused, the man beheaded his father in the wee hours of the morning, and even chopped off one of his legs. Later, other family members reported the murder to local police. Shivanand Koujalgi, the inspector investigating the case told TNM the father has been trying to get his son off PUBG for months: PUBG has been constantly caught up in controversy in India. Over the past year, several reports have blamed the game numerous deaths – those some of these reports are questionable. Some Indian cities even banned the game during exam season of the country, and there have been demands to outlaw it as well. Following this, the developer even started to display warnings if gamers played the title for more than six hours at a stretch.