I’m not saying Kindles and the like aren’t worth your time, far from it. They’re amazing. Take, for example, my Kindle Paperwhite. It hold thousands of books, so I’m never at a loss for something to read. The backlight means I can devour novels in low-light. It’s easy to hold, so I can get comfortable everywhere. What’s not to like? Well, I’ll tell you: it doesn’t make me look smart. Books, and let’s be honest here, are a PR tool. Like… have you ever actually read a book? Me neither. Instead, I spend around 12 hours every day on public transport holding a copy of Gravity’s Rainbow so people really know just how smarter and more interesting and cleverer I am than them. You can’t do that with a Kindle. Whenever anyone looks at you using an ereader their first though will be “NERD.” That’s not what I want. Not at all. I need to be seen as a swashbuckling Lord Byron, not a basement-dwelling incel like Elon Musk. Here we reach the crux of the issue: there are times I need to use a Kindle. Like if I’m going on holiday. Or want to read some ridiculous fantasy novel. Plus, Infinite Jest is playing havoc with my Vitamin D deficient wrist bones. Thankfully there’s a solution, and it’s called the BookBook Kindle Paperwhite case from Twelvesouth. Confuddled? Take a look: You see that? I’ll ask one more time: DO YOU SEE THAT? Not only does it look like an actual book, it looks like an old book. And if there’s one universal truth about people who read old books it’s that they’re supremely sophisticated and are brain geniuses because old books are basically written in a different language and are very, very boring.

The BookBook Kindle case: a good case

That sub-head says it all really. The BookBook Kindle case is made for the latest version of the Paperwhite and fits it perfectly. Be a bit shit if it didn’t, right? It offers decent protection, I’ve been able to throw it into my bag and leave it there with little to no damage. Obviously, it makes the Kindle a little heavier and harder to use with one hand, but not by much at all. It’s still easier to hold than a regular book. Another cool thing: the case automatically wakes and puts your device to sleep when you open and close it. Also, it only takes a few moments to slip the Kindle Paperwhite out if you do want to read it like that. Quick note though: if you’ll want to be taking the Kindle in and out constantly, maybe look at getting a sleeve rather than a case. There’s a magnet on the back of the Kindle insert section to keep the device there when you’re reading laying down, but there’s something even cooler hidden in the back: a stand. Have a look: This is amazing for reading while you’re eating, or in any other situations where you don’t want to use your hands like a goddamn animal. I’m a big fan. There really aren’t very many negatives. If I’m being picky, the zip curves into the spine a bit meaning it doesn’t always open in a totally smooth way, but I got used to this pretty quickly. Also, I’m not sure I’d trust it holding up if you got it wet (say, in the bath), but you can just take your waterproof Kindle out the case if you plan on doing that. And the biggest negative? Well, you’re not gonna think much of this Kindle case if you believe hiding an ereader in a fake book is pathetic. But hey, you can’t please everyone!

The conclusion: yes, the BookBook Kindle case is a Kindle case that looks like a book

If you think that’s cool (me), that’s great. If you don’t (losers), that’s also fine. Basically, the BookBook Kindle case is a simple idea well executed. Plus, it’ll help everyone know how astute, educated, and downright brainy you are. And that’s what you want, right? For the world to know? At last, for the world to know precisely how fucking great you are? So it can quiver in fear? At your smarts? Make the world grovel at your smart little feet? Grovel, world, mewl and roll in your own dirt for my amusement, for I am Big Brain, look upon my works, ye mighty, and tremble. Or you may just think it’s neat. The BookBook Kindle case costs $50 and you buy it here.

Hide your Kindle SHAME with this case that looks like a REAL book - 30Hide your Kindle SHAME with this case that looks like a REAL book - 27Hide your Kindle SHAME with this case that looks like a REAL book - 85