— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) November 25, 2019 Then earlier today, Ford VP Sunny Madra joined the fray, challenging Tesla to a real “apples to apples”  contest:

— sunny madra (@sundeep) November 25, 2019 It’s not clear what Madra would change to make it a fair test, but some have claimed the Ford F350, with its higher torque diesel engines, would present a fairer challenge against the Cybertruck – it’s closer in price range too. It’s also worth noting Ford is working on its own electric F-150, which would certainly be the fairest comparison of them all. Musk doesn’t seem worried though. In response, he simply tweeted:

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 25, 2019 This is almost certainly all just playful baiting, but I’d totally be down for a Ford vs Tesla exhibition match to the death, just saying. Something about competition being better for the consumer or whatever.