Some sales experts will tell you having the right call to action will help any salesman close more deals. Still others say understanding the true value of your product or even presenting as if a deal is already completed will boost conversions. And there are even some seasoned pros that will tell you the best way to close a sale…is to stop trying so hard to close a sale. Techniques for getting a customer to sign on the dotted line are as varied as the number of salesmen and women on the beat. However, there are some tried and true tactics that can lead to higher conversions and the uptick in sales that would make any salesperson smile. The Sales Skills Mastery Course: Close More Sales training ($11.99, over 90 percent off from TNW Deals) is a distillation of job-earned wisdom from a host of the world’s biggest names in sales. Armed with this information, you can learn what it takes to turn a no into a maybe — and a maybe into a yes. This training includes 34 lectures and over 5 hours of content directed at sharpening anyone’s sales skills to accurately gauge the scene, assess your potential customer, then figure out what is needed to help that customer reach a positive conclusion. These closing techniques will help you root out cognitive biases that may be influencing your pitch, spot effective methods to sell almost any product or service, and the best ways to overcome any objections that stand between you and a finished sale. This training tailored to a 21st century salesforce even comes with a promise to triple your closing rate in just one week. Obviously, we wouldn’t make any guarantees about what every student can accomplish with this course — but ya gotta love the confidence, right? This course usually sells for $200, but you can shave off most of that price by plunking down $11.99 to get this offer now before the deal expires. Prices subject to change.