For a long time I wasn’t really a fan of smart speakers. The idea was cool, but relying only on audio seemed like a clumsy way to interact with technology. Then, I started using smart speakers with screens. It changed everything. Smart speakers now finally made more sense to me. You could use voice commands to get visual results. Browsing music and watching videos was possible. Basically, screens made smart speakers useful. So, if you’ve been waiting for a moment to get some of this technology in your life, we’ve got something you might find interesting: a Google Home Hub for only $69. Not bad, right? The list price of the Google Home Hub is $149, so you’re making a 54 percent saving with this deal. Thank us later. If you’re intrigued about what the Google Home Hub can do, this video does a great job of breaking it down: At only 4.6 inches tall and seven inches wide, the Google Home Hub can fit easily in your house, wherever you want to put it. Within reason. It can be used with a range of smart home devices (pretty much anything Google Home-compatible, which is a lot of things) and getting it started is as easy as plugging it in, connecting to WiFi, and signing in. Don’t think you have a solid reason to get a Google Home Hub? Not sure what you’d use it for? Well, how about for following cooking recipes, calling your friends and family, or listening to music? If that’s not enough, you can also use it to be the center of your smart home, and control a range of connected devices, like lights and thermostats. A Google Home Hub for $69 is one hell of a deal, make sure you head over here and pick one up before it’s too late. This post includes affiliate links to products that you can buy online. If you purchase them through our links, we get a small cut of the revenue.